According to Cardinal Camillo Ruini,

the Commission of inquiry is “still far from being able to publish an official judgement” concerning the alleged Marian apparitions of Medjugorje.

The Agence de presse internationale catholique – Katholische Internationale Presseagentur [International Catholic Press Agency] based in Switzerland has published that important information yesterday (2011-06-14), after a rather short interview with the President of the said Commission.

See text in French : Rome, 14 juin 2011 (Apic) Après 30 ans, toujours pas de reconnaissance pour Medjugorje and in German: Rom, 14.6.11 (Kipa) Kardinal Ruini: Urteil über Medjugorje noch nicht absehbar

Cardinal Ruini gave that answer when he was asked if one could count on a soon to come official evaluation from the Commission as the 30th anniversary of the events is approaching, but he reminded the press of his duty to keep the work undertaken by the Commission confidential.


After a long “health break”, I will come back soon to the important critical text published by Mgr Ratko Peric on the website of his diocese

— revealed on Diane’s  and Marco’s sites —

and comment on the Commission of investigation and beyond, with a plea for transparency.

With my gratitude for your patience and my cordial greetings,

Louis Bélanger