Rome – 2011-10-02 – The Pope commented on today’s Gospel reading which ends with a particularly severe admonition addressed by Jesus to the chief priests…

These words”, Holy Father explained, “make us think of the great responsibility of those who, in all ages, are called to work in the vineyard of the Lord, especially in positions of authority.

Shortly after the Angelus, Benedict XVI expressed a special invitation in French to all the persons involved in training and education:

“At the start of this academic term, I would like to invite university teachers to convey, through their teaching, the love for knowledge and truth. Knowledge is important, but even more so is the education of the person, in order to be able to discern where the truth lies, and to make free choices. And also educate young people to the authentic moral and spiritual values to help them find meaning in their lives.

“In this month of October, may the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary, accompany all the persons involved in training and education! I cordially impart my blessing.”

[translation by Medjupedia]