Recent critical post: a disquieting connection with Medjugorje

Marco Corvaglia has just unveiled a disquieting connection with Medjugorje on his website:

“The First Inspiration Of the Medjugorje Messages Is Clemente Domínguez (Schismatic and Excommunicated). Here is the proof [Part 1]”

Clemente Domínguez sitting in the gestatorial chair. The “seer” of Palmar de Troya proclaimed himself pope, in 1978, under the name of Gregory XVII.
“If one asked a connoisseur of Medjugorje what the two most characteristic and recurring expressions in the messages of the Gospa are, he would certainly answer this way: the threefold exhortation “Pray, pray, pray”, and the thanks the Madonna usually addresses to the faithful, with the formula “Thank you for having responded to my call”.
In June of 2011, continuing my research on Medjugorje and its origins, I have been
faced with an unexpected (and objectively disquieting) discovery…” [Part 1 + Part 2]
